Frequently Asked Questions
Is this a USATF certified and sanctioned event?
Yes! Both the full and half courses are certified by the USA Track and Field Association, making them Boston Marathon qualifying races. The full marathon USATF certification number is NE23002DT. The half marathon USATF certification number is NE23001DT. Our race is also sanctioned annually by USATF.
What is the course like?
The course is located at approximately 4,000 feet above sea level. All four courses are a beautiful, challenging mix of paved roads and wide dirt trails. The full marathon begins with a significant downhill grade for nearly five miles and flattens until it approaches mile 13, near where the half marathon begins. At this point, the course gains elevation through Mitchell Pass and around Scotts Bluff National Monument, where the pioneers crossed on the Oregon Trail. After some rolling hills, the remainder of the course is primarily flat, with a few gradual inclines and declines as it traverses a wide dirt track through the visually stunning Scotts Bluff National Monument “badlands” and finally circles back through town to the finish. For more information and distance specific elevation changes, see our course descriptions and maps here.
What are the price increases?
Your registration supports students at Western Nebraska Community College!
Early Bird pricing through January 1:
Marathon $85
Half Marathon $65
Half Relay $40
5K $35
January 2 - May 31:
Marathon $95
Half Marathon $75
Half Relay $45
5K $40
June 1 - August 15:
Marathon $105
Half Marathon $85
Half Relay $50
5K $45
August 16 - September 25:
Marathon $115
Half Marathon $95
Half Relay $50
5K $45
Expo Day
Marathon $120
Half Marathon $100
Half Relay $55
5K $50
What is your refund policy?
There will be no refunds for any reason. We are a non-profit, primarily volunteer organization and refunding creates issues for our bookkeepers and creates problems as we need to purchase supplies for planned participants well in advance of the race. You have the option of transferring your registration (to someone else for this year, or to yourself for next year) until August 15 You may switch events until August 15 when we order final runner supplies, but no refund will be given for difference in cost. Please call us at 308-630-6550 or email us at racedirector@wncc.edu to transfer your registration or to switch events. One exception to the race switching deadline is in person at the expo. If there is still availability, you may do a last minute switch into a different race distance. These deadlines are firm!
When is the last day I can register?
Where should my friends and family view the race?
See the race distance maps for spectator areas. NOTE: Spectators will NOT be allowed on canal road north of Scotts Bluff National Monument. Only participants and race officials are allowed on this portion of the course. This is for the safety of the participants and the spectators and pursuant to our agreement with landowners and the National Park Service.
What is available at the finish line?
In the finisher area, you'll receive your medal, food, drinks, and medical assistance if needed including fluids and access to medical professionals. Watch for signs to your gear bag if you dropped one at the start. Your family and friends can visit our food and beverage vendors for coffee, lunch, and snacks while they wait for you to cross the finish and watch awards.
Is there a gear drop?
Full marathon runners can use the tear-off gear tag from their bib to label a bag to drop at the start. These will be taken to the finish area for pick-up. All other race distances park near the start/finish but may take advantage of gear drop at the start by tossing their bag off to the side of the start line with the tear-off gear tag attached. Watch for gear pick-up signs at the finish.
Are walkers allowed, and is there a course cut off time?
The Monument Marathon has a 6.5 hour cut off time for the safety of our race personnel and runners.
Start: Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area - 7:30am
13.1-mile cut off point: Aid Station E, shortly before D St. and Five Rocks Rocks - 10:45am
18-mile cut of point: Old Oregon Trail Road and Canal Road entrance - noon
Finish: Five Rocks Amphitheater - no later than 2:00pm
Minimum pace required to make the cut offs: 14:53 minute/mile
Participants will be alerted by race personnel 1/2 mile ahead of each cut off point if their pace is too slow to make the cut off.
Participants who arrive at mile 13.1 after 10:45am will need to leave the course via D Street west to the parking area.
Participants who arrive at mile 18 after noon will need to leave the course via race transportation back to the parking area.
Once a runner has passed mile 18 and can keep up the pace, they will be allowed to finish. Runners who have passed by mile 18 but cannot keep pace, may be asked to leave the course via race transportation back to the parking area.
What should I do if I encounter wildlife?
While it would be rare to encounter wildlife, it is possible. Please don’t approach wildlife. The most common animals you are likely to encounter are coyotes and deer, which are likely to run from you. Bike marshals will be patrolling the course, on the lookout for wildlife, but in the unlikely event that you encounter a rattlesnake or a skunk, please give them a wide berth and notify someone at the next aid station. If you are bitten by a snake, move away from it, then stop moving, remove any constricting items near the affected area, keep the bite lower than the heart and seek assistance from another participant or race marshal to get immediate medical assistance from the closest medical aid station.
After the race, is there a place to shower and where should I go to meet with other runners?
The Scottsbluff Family YMCA at 22 S. Beltline Hwy in Scottsbluff has showers available for our runners. Please show your race bib number for access, and bring your own towel.
Our AFTER PARTY is located at Flyover Brewing Company, 1824 Broadway in Scottsbluff, from 1 - 6pm. Runners and volunteers receive a free beverage - just show your volunteer shirt or runner shirt or medal!
May I bring my dog on the course and in the finish area?
We love our pets too, but no. For the safety of other participants, your pets, and wildlife in the Monument area, as well as out of respect for private land and National Park land, we cannot allow pets on the course. City of Gering ordinance does not allow dogs in Five Rocks Amphitheater.
Are bicycles, handcarts, strollers, or other wheeled vehicles allowed?
A portion of the course is on dirt road, so for your safety and the safety of all participants, we do not allow strollers, handcarts, accompanying bicycles, or other wheeled devices. For more info, see our course descriptions page,
Note: an important aspect of course safety is our bike marshal team. Bike marshals are clearly identified as part of the race personnel.
Can I see who is registered?
Yes! Visit our RESULTS tab to see the current list of registered runners for this year. This link will change to a live results link for race day.
Who does this event benefit?
This event helps fund the Western Nebraska Community College Foundation. The Foundation supports students, programs, and facilities at Western Nebraska Community College. To date, the Monument Marathon has raised over HALF A MILLION dollars to support student success. Our purpose is to expand access and maintain affordability of education. WNCC is an important local resource that benefits not only our students, but our entire community by promoting workforce development, economic development, and quality of life. The generous support we receive to make the Monument Marathon a successful fundraiser would not be possible without our incredible sponsors, volunteers, and the runners themselves who support this important cause. In addition to the mission of the WNCC Foundation, the marathon helps encourage a healthy lifestyle, showcases the beauty of our Valley, and increases tourism to the area.